Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

The Miracle of Tahajud

The First Habit of doing Tahajjud Prayer exactly begun while before                        coming The Prophethood of  Our Prophet Muhammad saw. and at that time he was restless and worried. As a pious and brightly hearted, a middle aged man had felt how the decline of moral life in Mecca at the time.
Slavery, Robbery, Violation, Oppression of woman and all other vices made life unpleasant. “What should I do? what exactly I must do?” those are questions arised from Rasulullah’s mind.
Thus, in one night and in one place namely Hiro’ Cave, Muhammad aloned and contemplated all of incident which it has been befallen him and his Homeland in Mecca. From the midnight until the morning came, Muhammad saw. felt really deep sadness and letted on what was going on with his creator and his place of birth.
And then, Allah sent the angel Jibril to accompanied him and taught some ayat of surah Al-Alaq. Surely, all af Moslem in the world have known that event as the first revelation of Holy Qur’an. Then on subsequent night, he often did his solitary activity as the daily activity that essentially he wanted to say that he was only human being, and nothing he could do except because of helps from Allah swt.
The Solitary activities are named by Night Praying today and then usually done by the Prophet followers when experiencing various problems that they feel hard and heavy to bear.
But today, since the habit of tahajjud prayer appeared until the last decade, nobody knows eventhough the Moslems about what exactly will happen when they do pray tahajjud. Indeed, many scholars said that praying can repair morals. But, how does all this take place? This prompted Prof. Sholeh doing research on Tahajjud Prayer. The man of Lirboyo Boarding School graduated, Kediri in the year of 2000, researching about 51 Students of Senior High School Luqman Hakim in Hidayatullah Boarding School, Surabaya.
In the Study conducted by The Faculty of Tarbiyah Lecturer and Professor of the graduate program of the state Islamic institute (IAIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Sholeh, Drs., M.Pd., had proved that Tahajjud Prayer which it run with a precise movements, routine, and of course with sincerity can boost the immune body system.
Prof. Sholeh said that the research had done in the year of 2000 during one semester in order to completed his doctoral studies in The University of Airlangga, Surabaya. “so, this is for a dissertation”, explained the father of two children.
 Sholeh selected a dissertation under the title “The Influence of Tahajjud Prayer Against Increasing The Resilience Body Changes in Immunologic Response: An approach Psychoneuroimmunology.”
“I ask them all to pray Tahajjud for two whole months every day.” Explained the man who completed S2 in the field of Counseling Pshychology in IKIP Malang. It taked by a number of praying is not too much and not too little, 2 rakaat salam for 4 times and 3 or 1 rakaat of witir (a total is 8 rakaat), they should run it at 2:00 until 3:00. Of course not all will be success, from 51 student was researched, they will be sorted again.
Turn of 51 student, 23 people could only survive doing Tahajjud Prayer for a month, along with the others who did not qualify for reasons such as praying was not  completed until two months although it can exceed a month or less than a month. Drinking kortikisteroid medication, doing another job besides tahajjud that affecting body system such as Adz-dzikr. All 23 student was used as one group.
Finaly, only 19 students ware able to survive Tahajjud Prayer for two month/. So there were two groups. Those who made it until two months without the additional of another activities and those who didn’t made it. And the nineteenth students, according Sholeh have fundamentally changed which it changes their Immune Body.
So now, when people talk that tahajjud prayer can improve one’s moral level, there is another reason that can be raised with a lot of senses. In the right praying, doing by sincere and resigned and routine, it will make a person healty physically and psychologically. Peace of heart, mind, soul, and tranquility will be the basic of the status of those who pray diligently. People can think logically, maturely, and actually makes sense. People become aware of themselves and not arbitrarily.
In additional, all of illness would be reluctant to stop and suffer to the body of those who pray tahajjud diligently, because of his Immune Body System increased rapidly.
So, it’s a fact and we can say that tahajjud prayer is so important for us, because there are many benefits for us as it has been described in Holly Al-Qur’an, surah Al-Israa verse 79, and the research is one of benefits that we have known it. Sometimes we always underestimate about something which it has extraordinary benefits than we imagine before, besides Allah will never order us to do something except it is usefull and important for every body.


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Pidato Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Assalammu’alaikum wr.wb.
Rabbisrahlishadri wayasirli amri wahlul uqdatammilisani yafqahu qauli.
Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, segala puji kita panjatkan kepada Allah rabb semesta alam.
Shalawat dan salam ke atas nabi Muhammad SAW beserta keluarga dan sahabatnya.
Yang Saya hormati para alim ulama, pimpinan TPA Hanifa, para guru dan seluruh hadirin yang berbahagia.. 
Saya ucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada “Saya” untuk menyampaikan sedikit informasi yang Saya ketahui, mengenai akhlaq Nabi Muhammad SAW, dengan niat dan harapan agar kita lebih mengenal nabi kita, nabi Muhammad SAW, dalam rangka memperingati Maulid Nabi kali ini.
agar kita lebih menyayanginya, dan
agar kita lebih mencintainya. Sebab, ada peribahasa yang berkata:
“Tak kenal maka tak sayang,
tak sayang maka tak cinta.”

Hadirin dan Teman-teman yang berbahagia…
Agar kita mencintai nabi Muhammad SAW, maka kita wajib mengenalnya, lalu, bagaimana cara kita mengenalnya?
kita bisa mengenalnya dengan cara banyak membaca, yang pertama kita baca yaitu AlQuran, karena di dalamnya banyak kisah para nabi dan bahkan Akhlaq nabi kita adalah Al-Quran. Karena Siti Aisyah r.a. Isteri Nabi berkata: khuluquhu al-Qur’an (Akhlaknya Muhammad SAW adalah  Al-Qur’an). Siti Aisyah r.a ingin mengatakan bahwa Nabi itu bagaikan Al-Qur’an berjalan.
Setelah mengenal nabi dari Al-Qur’an. kemudian kita mengenalnya dengan membaca Al-Hadits dan buku-buku mengenal sejarah nabi.
Hadirin yang berbahagia
Allah SWT berfirman pada surah al-Qolam ayat 4 yang artinya:”Sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar berbudi pekerti yang agung.”

Dan Nabi bersabda, “Sesungguhnya aku diutus untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang mulia.”(HR. Malik, Ahmad dan Baihaqi).

Dalam diri Nabi terkumpul akhlaq yang mulia dan sifat-sifat utama yaitu santunrendah hatilemah lembut, jujur, tidak suka mencari-cari kekurangan orang lain, sabar, tidak sombong, dantidak suka pujian.

Teman-teman dan Hadirin yang disayangi Allah,
Nabi kita juga ahli dalam memimpin karena sejak kecil sudah terlatih menjadi pemimpin, yaitu dengan cara menggembalakan kambing yang banyak dan berwirausaha/berdagang sampai ke luar negeri, sehingga beliau mempunyai sifat tidak pernah berputus asa dalam berusaha. Oleh sebab itu Nabi dengan Akhlak yang mulianya adalah contoh teladan bagi seluruh umat manusia.

Maka dari itu, Saya mengajak teman teman agar banyak membaca AlQuran, AL-Hadits dan buku sejarah dan cerita para nabi, seru deh. betul apa nggak teman-teman?.

Hadirin yang berbahagia
Sebagai penutup, Marilah kita saling mendoakan, semoga kita bisa meniru akhlak nabi dengan cara lebih mengenalnya dan rajin bershalawat kepada nabi.

Cukup sekian dulu ya teman-teman….
Sebelumya Saya ada pantun buat temen semuanya
Pergi piknik ke pantai Ayah
Bawa apel jangan sampe jatuh
Wabillahitaufiq walhidayah
Wassalaamualaikum wr.wb

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

"Your Love Is A Lie" Lyrics

I fall asleep by the telephone
It's 2 O'clock and I'm waiting up alone
Tell me where have you been?
I found a note with another name
You blow a kiss, but it just don't feel the same
Cause I can feel that you're gone

I can't bite my tongue forever
While you try to play it cool
You can hide behind your stories
But don't take me for a fool

You can tell me that there's nobody else
(But I feel it)
You can tell me that you're home by yourself
(But I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know
Your love is just a lie
It's nothing but a lie

You look so innocent
But the guilt in your voice gives you away
Yeah you know what I mean
How does it feel when you kiss when you know that i trust you
And do you think about me when he fucks you?
Could you be more obscene?

So don't try to say you're sorry
Or try to make it right
Don't waste your breath because it's too late, it's too late.

You can tell me that there's nobody else
(But I feel it)
You can tell me that you're home by yourself
(But I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know, I know,
Your love is just a lie
It's nothing but a lie
You're nothing but a lie

You can tell me that there's nobody else
(But I feel it)
You can tell me that you're home by yourself
(But I see it)
You can look into my eyes and pretend all you want
But I know, I know
Your love is just a lie
I know you're nothing but a lie
You're nothing but a lie

Your love is just a lie